Startup Sprint

12.3.2025 09:00

Business Corner, Linnanmaa campus


The "Growth Entrepreneurship for the Oulu Region" project supports the development of startups and growth entrepreneurship in Oulu by encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to develop business ideas and startup skills while providing opportunities for networking and team building. The project aims to create a new, open startup program for the Oulu higher education community. Additionally, it seeks to establish collaboration contacts with international startup ecosystems to support the growth of Oulu-based companies.

The project is co-funded by the European Union, with financing granted by the Council of Oulu Region. Other financiers include the City of Oulu and the implementing organization, Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Duration: June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2027.

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Event time

Starts:   12.3.2025 09:00
Ends:   13.3.2025 09:00

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Event location

Business Corner, Linnanmaa campus

Yliopistokatu 9
90570 Oulu

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